Airport Experience News Fall 2022


We have three decentralized checkpoints right now, and we’re consolidating those into one centralized checkpoint. We’re adding about 125,000 square feet of new terminal concession space, which will completely revamp the concessions experience for our guests. When that’s complete, all of our concourse concessions will be refurbished as well. By 2024 we’ll really have a completely different dynamic look and feel throughout the Southwest Florida International Airport. Phase 2 of the project is more about the growth that we’re experiencing. We’ve launched a new growth plan, which is Phase 2 [of our capital plans]. We will be adding a new concourse, which will be almost like a mini terminal. It will have 14 gates and be connected to our existing facility. We’re probably about 20% under design at this point. It will be connected to the rest of the facility. Although it will end up having its own security checkpoint, you will be able to traverse throughout the entire facility regardless of what checkpoint you go through, whether it’s the new consolidated

checkpoint or the individual checkpoint for this new concourse. The new concourse will have its own inline baggage system, its own concession program, its own ticket counters, and we’re real excited about that. That’s about a two-year design and about a three-year build. WARD: What’s the cost and timeframe for Phase 1? SIEGEL: We’re about a year into Phase 1 of the terminal expansion, and we’re expecting to be substantially complete by the fall of ‘24. It’s a $331 million project. WARD: And what about Phase 2? SIEGEL: Phase 2 is the new concourse, what we’re calling Concourse E. It’s a two-year design and about a three-year build. So once the design’s complete we’ll go out for bid. That project will not start until Phase 1 completed. WARD: You mentioned an expanded concessions and revamped concessions program. What’s your plan? SI EGEL : Cur rently our two master concessionaires are HMSHost and Paradies Lagardère . We’re out on the street for a third [master concessionaire] right now. Our

Top: Southwest Florida International Airport brought travelers to the sunny beaches of Florida even during the pandemic, and growth is continuing this year. Above: The Southwest Florida vibe will be present throughout the expanded facilities, reflected in both design and in concessions offerings.


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