Airport Experience News Fall 2022
Growing Rapidly In Chattanooga Chat t anooga Ai rpor t ’s (CHA) infrastructure grant money totaled just $5 million, but it takes a big bite out of the $28 million budget for a much-needed terminal expansion currently underway. “We had our method for funding the project already completed” when the airport decided to apply for an infrastructure grant. The award “means I can use that money and not have to use $5 million in PFCs for this,” says Terry Hart, airport director. The expansion is in response to the findings of a master plan completed in 2019, that predicted continued growth over the next 20 years for the small Tennessee airport. CHA was running out of terminal parking and moved forward on a parking garage built during the pandemic. At the same time, design of a terminal expansion was underway. The expansion, which began over the summer, will increase the size of the security checkpoint to accommodate additional lanes. More boarding bridges, gates and restroom facilities are also part of the project, as are additional concessions spaces. “We know that this community is going to grow and to be able to support the growth we need additional facilities around the passenger terminal,” Hart says. CHA’s traffic has been a bit slower than average to come back, in part because of its heavy reliance on business travel, which made up about 70% to traffic pre-pandemic. Pre-pandemic, CHA was growing each year, doubling enplanements in seven years to reach 554,000 in 2019. Hart says he’s confident more growth is in the future. “It’s going to continue to grow because of what’s happening in the community - the airport has a good vibe and people like what’s going on,” he says. “ They love the parking garage and are excited about the terminal expansion. There’s a lot of positive things happening that have the community excited about the airport.”
move into a new building and be flat on rates and charges for our tenants.” MSO’s old terminal was built in 1948 and has had various remodels in subsequent years. “It was properly sized but the space was in all the wrong places,” says Ellestad, noting the vast pre-security lobby and gate areas designed for small regional jets that are no longer used. It was also inefficient from an energy usage standpoint. Flexibility is key with the new terminal design for the growing airport. “We don’t overbuild, we just build what we need for today and for the immediate future,” Ellestad says. “We have common use on all our gates so we shuffle carriers around as needed. And this new building will be easily expandable and we can add bits and pieces as we grow.”
Above: A terminal expansion at Chattanooga Airport will add new facilities to accommodate growth that is anticipated as pandemic recovery continues.
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