Airport Experience News Fall 2022



10 PFC Push With the pandemic in the rear-view, airport trade groups are gearing up to again lobby Congress for an increase in the cap on Passenger Facility Charges. Despite significant obstacles, those groups say PFCs are the best funding mechanism for much-needed airport capital projects. 16 Infrastructure Advances Airports are building again as passengers swarm back, with some airports already outpacing 2019 traffic levels. 22 Labor Pains Attracting front-line workers remains a major problem for airport concessionaires, but higher wages, bonuses and other perks are starting to work, alleviating the worst of the shortage. 28 Airline Action Airlines are adjusting their schedules as they right-size and right-balance service. Some airports will reap the benefits while others are vulnerable.


3 Letter From The Editor In Chief 4 Latest Buzz

Kansas City’s new airport terminal has been in the works for five years and envisioned for many more. With a grand opening just months away, a whole new experience awaits travelers to the midwestern city. 7 Director’s Chair

33 Sustainability Snapshot Paul Hoback of Pittsburgh International Airport shares the many ways the airport is evolving to a more sustainable approach. 36 Advertising Index 37 Before You Take Off Seeing thrown-away food is inspiring more care and less waste under a new pilot program from Areas USA.

Ben Siegel took the helm at the Lee County Port Authority during the pandemic. The

sunshine destination of Fort Myers, Florida, was in high demand in the early recovery, and Southwest Florida International Airport reaped the benefits with increased passenger traffic. Now, a major expansion is underway.


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