Airport Experience® News - ACDBE 2023
Like OHM, LaTrelle’s was very intentional about including local small businesses in its HOU bid, notes Chris James, business development director for LaTrelle’s. “One major goal for us through the process was to make sure we extended opportunities for local operators to get their foot in the door with their first airport opportunity,” he says. “We subleased three spaces to three different Houston-based ACDBE operators who were looking for Below: St. Louis-based ACDBE OHM Concession Group, in partnership with Vantage Airport Group, was awarded a $1.5 billion concessions contract at Kansas City International Airport (newly opened units pictured).
their first location in an airport. This was truly a full circle moment for us as we were able to extend opportunities to local businesses just as we were afforded back in 1985.” Gregory Plummer, CEO and managing partner of Concord Collective, notes a few key things that contributed to his company’s success: “Our tenacity and belief in ourselves and ability to perform against great obstacles; our relationships and rapport with all stakeholders and being intentional about building meaningful relationships with airports, large primes as well as other ACDBEs; and our passion to be really good and value added to our guests, team members and partners.”
Above: Milan Patel, president of OHM Concession Group, brought tons of local flavor to the concessions program at the new Kansas City International Airport.
Above: Peter Amaro, CEO and co founder of Master ConcessionAir, notes that a big reason his company was able to succeed and eventually graduate the ACDBE program was due to the experiences gained while being an ACDBE, which gives you “a sincere connection and sensitivity toward the community and its local brands.”
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