Airport Experience® News - ACDBE 2023
14 New Blood With data showing the number of active ACDBE-certified firms down, primes have pumped up their outreach efforts. 20 Small Players, Big Contracts ACDBE players can be marginalized in airport programs, but recent years have brought some high profile wins for some well respected operators. 26 Money Problems Financing is a perennial problem for ACDBE operators. While no “magic bullet” solution has come to the fore, airports and select lenders are looking to make things a bit easier. 32 Summertime Strategies Airlines have clawed their way back into the black, but serious challenges remain. With passenger demand high, some are fearful of another chaotic summer travel season.
3 Letter From The Editor 4 Data Check
With more than half of Americans planning to travel this summer, the outlook is strong. Perhaps too strong, some say, as demand is putting stressors on infrastructure and labor. 6 Latest Buzz Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport is expanding and renovating to serve a growing number of passengers, in a project called SDF Next. 10 Director’s Chair Atif Elkadi, CEO of the Ontario International Airport Authority, is focusing on ease of use and providing an exceptional passenger experience, all while traffic is growing rapidly.
36 Sustainability Snapshot A handful of airports participate in a program to turn used cooking oil from concessionaires into sustainable aviation fuel.
39 Advertising Index 40 Before You Take Off
Second-hand shopping is underway at Helsinki Airport with the launch of what is billed as the first stand-alone vintage store in an airport.
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