Airport Experience® News - Leadership & Culture Issue 2023

for the restaurants


a ‘wick

Boston Harbor Distillery Founder Rhonda Kallman (4th from left) pictured he with SSP America Director of Operations Jackie (3rd from left) and members of t SSP America tea craft beverage &

Oliver Wendell Holmes called Boston the “hub of the solar system” in the 19th century. With characteristic flair, Bostonians quickly modified this to “the hub of the universe.” Boston Logan International Airport now sports a wicked-smaht intergalactic red roof that might make drivers along the Expressway ‘bang a u-ey’—and Holmes proud. SSP America is also proud. We’re proud to be part of the BOS community with three new local restaurants that are sure to be wicked-awesome, just ask the Townies.

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12/20/23 8:22 AM

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