Airport Experience® News - Post-Conference Issue 2023

AXWomen In Leadership Panel Brought Statistics, Stories To The Fore DEMANDING SEAT A BY SARAH BEL ING

The third annual Women in Leadership Breakfast at the Airport Experience Conference drew record crowds this year in what has become a celebratory kick-off to the annual industry event. The sold-out event began with an early morning networking event, followed by a breakfast and panel discussion on the ongoing efforts to ensure women have access to decision-making positions throughout the industry. The Women in Leadership Breakfast panel focused on the gaps that keep women from moving up the corporate ladder to C-Suite leadership — or from staying in the industry at all. Using data collected fromDiversity, Equity, Inclusion firm Inclusion Inc . and consultants Mckinsey & Company , moderator Lana Cramer, vice president of brand strategy and communications at SSP America and panelists added their own powerful stories to statistics on the state of the women in leadership. “This isn’t an easy conversation,” said Cramer, as the group highlighted the challenges facing women in a COVID altered workforce landscape.


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