Airport Experience® News - Retail Innovation Issue 2024


Right: Pandemic recovery has not been easy for MHT. The airport’s passenger traffic has declined significantly, and all efforts are focused on rebuilding to 2 million-plus enplanement levels. Below: Attracting ultra-low cost carriers has been a key goal for MHT director Ted Kitchens and his team. Earlier this year, Breeze launched service, following Avelo’s entry into the market in 2023.

we had back in 2005 – about 4.5 million total passengers. We built the gates, we built the parking, we built the roadways, we extended the runways. All that infrastructure is there. We’ve actually restructured the outstanding debt so airlines can come in and take advantage of that free capacity and a CPE that’s decreasing versus signing up for other airports where CPEs are probably going to be increasing for the next 10 to 20 years.

WARD: Turning to the terminal and your current customers, how are your concessions performing? KITCHENS: HMSHost has the food and beverage [contract] and Hudson has the news and gift. We also have some local contracts like the Dunkin Donuts with a local franchisee. They’re all doing great. We’re very fortunate to partner with HMSHost and Hudson They’ve been terrific business partners because they’re stuck through us as we’ve gone through this transition and through the pandemic. They’ve been able to increase sales over the last few years, although certainly from a lower base. They have another three to four years on this contract. Both Hudson and HMSHost have had it for a very long time so we’re contemplating what that looks like going forward. I think it’s time to do another RFP, just to see what the market has to offer. WARD: What else are you concentrating on at MHT? KITCHENS: We’re focused on the guest experience. We don’t call it customer service. I hope the industry rids itself of CX. W e’re in the travel and hospitality and tourism business. Every airport is, so we need to be talking about the guest experience, not the customer experience. It sounds like a small change in words, but it’s a huge paradigm shift and the way that you view that person in front of you. If they are your guests, they have choices. They have options and we want them to come back.



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